Friday, January 11, 2013


With these 2 hearts in my arms, mine is full
As peaceful sleep warms, they melt into me....intentionally
Their tiny hands smoothing away the rough edges of my day

Today....Right Now....I am thankful for Aalyric falling asleep in my lap as I post :}

Last night I went to sleep with my heart heavy, after reading on Facebook that a friend of a friend lost their 2 year old son. I don't know if selfish is the word I would use for how I felt as I held my own two girls last night, cherishing their little breaths as they fell asleep. Maybe unworthy is a better description....I don't know....I just felt so blessed to have them another day, and then so sad at the same time for this family. None of us knows why these terrible accidents happen, they just do. Bad things happen to good people, and innocent children.... and it's not fair. What I do know though, is that if there was any way I could have done something to help save this child's life, I would have.

There is nothing I could have done to prevent this accident, but there are things I can do to help prevent a future heartache for another parent. If you don't know anything about diabetes, then educate yourself, it is a scary disease and even more so for a child that can't recognize yet when their body is shutting down. Having a DAD, could save Jax's life. Not to mention the peace of mind it would give to his family.

So today has just disappointed me a little.....don't get me wrong, I am spectacularly excited to be alive, and have had a great day so far, and am fully expecting it to continue it that fashion...or grander :}
I don't know about might just be me, but when I invest in something, I fully expect to get the desired results. When I buy a lottery ticket...I fully expect to walk out of the store a millionaire, even if it's only a scratch off ticket. Maybe it's the Scorpio in me that makes me feel like the universe is required to listen when I give something my full attention....and intention! So I fully EXPECTED for yesterday's post to go viral and 3000 people to have donated a buck to help Jax get his DAD....mission accomplished! That has yet to happen, but I will continue to expect that every day.... until it does happen! That's just how I roll with most things in life :}  

Some things have just got me wondering though....Why do we wait for the bad things to happen, to come together? If you knew that you could be a hero, that you could help save someone's life...wouldn't you choose to? The way that I heard about this tragedy, was through a call for prayer for this family, from a friend of a friend. Right there in that moment, myself and I'm sure others that saw the post, opened their hearts and said a prayer for this family that they didn't even know. People took the time out to invest in someone else, without receiving anything in return but their own peace of mind that they had helped in some small way. What a magical and moving thing....and I hope that it helps to strengthen this family through their heartache.

We all have the chance to be a hero right now. Please visit Jax's page...Diabetic Alert Dog for Jax on Facebook. Like it, share it, go directly to to donate your buck and get the ball rolling. This is our chance to come together now and put our hands on a situation that can be changed for the better and help protect a young man's life.

My hopes are that this has inspired you...if not for my cause, then for whatever you are passionate about, that can make the world a better place. Go hug your babies! No matter how grown they think they are :} Cherish the day, no matter how much it has rained on you, because God chose to give it to YOU....and he didn't have to.

1 comment:


    Thank you so much Shai, I love you my friend~
